
اتوار, نومبر 21, 2021

Data Management and its implications/applications in Pakistan

ان کا کہنا ہے کہ جو ممالک ڈیٹا مینجمنٹ کی اہمیت کو نہیں سمجھتے ان کے جدید معیشت میں زندہ رہنے کے امکانات کم ہیں۔ اور یہ خیال کیا جاتا ہے کہ کسی ملک کا ڈیٹا اس کا سب سے قیمتی اثاثہ ہوتا ہے۔ ڈیٹا کسی ملک کی معلومات، علم اور بالآخر درست فیصلوں اور اعمال کے لیے حکمت کی بنیاد ہے۔

ڈیٹا مینجمنٹ کے پیشے کے بارے میں بنیادی تفصیلات

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ہفتہ, اکتوبر 03, 2020

Sycophantic YouTubers

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ہفتہ, مئی 23, 2020

Mind Programming: From Persuasion and Brainwashing, to Self-Help and Practical Metaphysics

Brainwashing and marketing are big business; and your precious mind is a coveted commodity. In this book Eldon Taylor exposes all and tells you how to take your power back and be free to become your own best self. Eldon is really a master!
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind and Your Soul's Compass

In reading Eldon Taylor’s book Mind Programming: From Persuasion and Brainwashing to Self-Help and Practical Metaphysics, I embarked upon a journey beginning at Psych 101 and ending deep into postgraduate Metaphysics; a reading experience that delivers a near-visceral adventure that begins with imagination and ends in near-manifestation. Eldon reveals the extraordinary reality of a virtually unrecognized dimension where each of us lives every day but are completely unaware--the subliminal realm. I recently produced a motion picture featuring 23 Living Luminaries, each of whom shares pearls of wisdom and enlightened insights as to how we can all achieve true happiness and our purpose in life. Although it was an extraordinary cast, in retrospect I wish there had been 24. Eldon Taylor brings an invaluable teaching to seekers of wisdom and understanding. The world of higher learning has a new Œhigh bar¹ with his work.
Michael J Lasky, producer and founder, Gotham Metro Studios, Inc.

*From the new film Living Luminaries (on the Serious Business of Happiness) featuring 23 luminaries such as Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Geronimo JiJaga (Pratt), Dr. Obadiah Harris, and many extraordinary masters of conscious disciplines.

Dr. Eldon Taylor's new book is a must-read! If you've ever questioned your purpose in life or felt bound by a culture that's driven by mass media, you now have at your fingertips the knowledge and tools to break the chains of this cycle. Eldon goes in-depth to illustrate and expose how we've been programmed from birth by social constraints; and he methodically reveals the psychological techniques that advertisers, politicians, corporations, and the media use to control us. He then provides strategies and solutions to free your mind from these tactics and rise to a new level of consciousness.
As you read this book, you'll feel the blinders being removed and will truly see the world in an entirely new light.
Jeff Warrick, documentary film-maker, Programming the Nation?

Concerning the above, it is a widely accepted fact that the same is being religiously incorporated into Pakistan society.

The risks of social isolation

According to a 2018 national survey by Cigna, loneliness levels have reached an all-time high, with nearly half of 20,000 U.S. adults reporting they sometimes or always feel alone. Forty percent of survey participants also reported they sometimes or always feel that their relationships are not meaningful and that they feel isolated.
Such numbers are alarming because of the health and mental health risks associated with loneliness. According to a meta-analysis co-authored by Julianne Holt-Lunstad, Ph.D., a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Brigham Young University, a lack of social connection heightens health risks as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or having alcohol use disorder. She’s also found that loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity (Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2015).
"There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness significantly increase the risk for premature mortality, and the magnitude of the risk exceeds that of many leading health indicators," Holt­Lunstad says.
To stem such health risks, campaigns and coalitions to reduce social isolation and loneliness—an individual’s perceived level of social isolation—have been launched in Australia, ­Denmark, and the United Kingdom. These national programs bring together research experts, nonprofit and government agencies, community groups, and skilled volunteers to raise awareness of loneliness and address social isolation through evidence-based interventions and advocacy.
But is loneliness really increasing, or is it a condition that humans have always experienced at various times of life? In other words, are we becoming lonelier or just more inclined to recognize and talk about the problem?
These are tough questions to answer because historical data about loneliness are scant. Still, some research suggests that social isolation is increasing, so loneliness maybe, too, says Holt-Lunstad. The most recent U.S. census data, for example, show that more than a quarter of the population lives alone—the highest rate ever recorded. Also, more than half of the population is unmarried, and marriage rates and the number of children per household have declined since the previous census. Rates of volunteerism have also decreased, according to research by the University of Maryland’s Do Good Institute, and an increasing percentage of Americans report no religious affiliation—suggesting declines in the kinds of religious and other institutional connections that can provide a community.
"Regardless of whether loneliness is increasing or remaining stable, we have lots of evidence that a significant portion of the population is affected by it," says Holt­Lunstad. "Being connected to others socially is widely considered a fundamental human need—crucial to both well-being and survival."
As experts in behavior change, psychologists are well-positioned to help the nation combat loneliness. Through their research and public policy work, many psychologists have been providing data and detailed recommendations for advancing social connection as a U.S. public health priority on both the societal and individual levels.
"With an increasing aging population, the effects of loneliness on public health are only anticipated to increase," Holt-Lunstad says. "The challenge we face now is figuring out what can be done about it."

Who is most likely?

Loneliness is an experience that has been around since the beginning of time—and we all deal with it, according to Ami Rokach, Ph.D., an instructor at York University in Canada and a clinical psychologist. "It’s something every single one of us deals with from time to time," he explains, and can occur during life transitions such as the death of a loved one, a divorce or a move to a new place. This kind of loneliness is referred to by researchers as reactive loneliness.
Problems can arise, however, when an experience of loneliness becomes chronic, Rokach notes. "If reactive loneliness is painful, chronic loneliness is torturous," he says. Chronic loneliness is most likely to set in when individuals either don’t have the emotional, mental or financial resources to get out and satisfy their social needs or they lack a social circle that can provide these benefits, says psychologist Louise Hawkley, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at the research organization NORC at the University of Chicago.
"That’s when things can become very problematic, and when many of the major negative health consequences of loneliness can set in," she says.
Last year, a Pew Research Center survey of more than 6,000 U.S. adults linked frequent loneliness to dissatisfaction with one’s family, social, and community life. About 28 percent of those dissatisfied with their family life feel lonely all or most of the time, compared with just 7 percent of those satisfied with their family life. Satisfaction with one’s social life follows a similar pattern: 26 percent of those dissatisfied with their social lives are frequently lonely, compared with just 5 percent of those who are satisfied with their social lives. One in five Americans who say they are not satisfied with the quality of life in their local communities feel frequent loneliness, roughly triple the 7 percent of Americans who are satisfied with the quality of life in their communities.
And, of course, loneliness can occur when people are surrounded by others—on the subway, in a classroom, or even with their spouses and children, according to Rokach, who adds that loneliness is not synonymous with chosen isolation or solitude. Rather, loneliness is defined by people’s levels of satisfaction with their connectedness, or their perceived social isolation.

Concerning Pakistan

Self Isolation/Social Distancing & the Family system

Isolation in Pakistani society is something not very well versed practice, as it is a human psychology that sudden and/or gradual social interactions after this social isolation mechanism, is surely going to impact our psyche in the long run which is hard to observe in the short span.

The Family bonding/system

It is surely going to impact our family system just like it had in Europe and the Americas, where none of the partners knows whether other is cheating on him/her or otherwise because too much of isolation means a social animal like the human beings get bored and detract from the available family members might involve emotions to get attracted for someone other than the husband/wife and same is the concern with other family members,.

The relaxation of self-isolation

When this self-isolation is relaxed, it is going to have the same impact just like the water on the freshly dried cemented wall, which results in creating newer cracks. That is why what I observed, the labors usually soak wet khaki cloth on walls so that slowly and gradually tilting the wall slowly because the sudden impact of hydrogen and oxygen molecules from the Water H2O, starts to react from the cement molecules, where O2 starts oxidation process within the cement mixture.

Now coming back to Human Psychology

When such a similar process deteriorates the cement concrete procedure in newly built walls, the same is applicable for human psychology because the way this self-imposed isolation was incorporated, now the relaxation would definitely have the same impact just like oxidation in the concrete procedure.

The Hope Factor

The hope is something very important yet least discussed on general because our South Asian societies are laid on the basic principles of hope and faith, and hence now the masses are being detracted from the مساجد, Temples, گردوارا, Churches amid this Pandemic but I am afraid the faith we had on Allah and/or the God (the other religions portray of Allah), in the time of greys is being hit very hard and instead now we've been encoding like a slow poison which is going to relay the impact within decades.

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اتوار, اپریل 26, 2020

Statistical review till 25th April, 2020

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یہ چیز دیکھنے کی ہے کہ جیسا میں نے پہلے بھی کہا تھا کہ جیسے جیسے ٹیسٹنگ کا ratio بڑھے گا، ہمارے اموات اور ریکوری کا ratio بھی تبدیل ہوگا، جو کہ اگر پانچواں دس دن کا statistics کو دیکھیں تو ایک دم shoot ہوا ہے، جس کی وجہ سے میں personally امید کرتا ہوں کہ 3 یا 4 ہفتے کے بعد ہمیں تبدیلی دیکھنے میں ملے گی۔

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ہفتہ, اپریل 25, 2020

Pakistani News media acting as a Mafia

میں ذیادہ تر کوشش کرتا ہوں کہ ہمارے نیوز میڈیا کی نیوز کو نا دیکھوں، مگر جو بات ہے جب گھر سے آفس اور آفس سے گھر کا سین ہو، تب کبھی نا کبھی نظر سے گزر جاتی ہے، ایسے میں ایک نیوز چینل کی (نام لینا مناسب نہیں سمجھتا) نشریات دیکھ رہا تھا جہاں اپنا رونا دھونا شروع کیا ہوا تھا (وہ لفظ استعمال نہیں کرسکتا مگر literally وہی attitude ہے ان لوگوں یعنی ہمارے نیوز میڈیا کا) کہ lock down میں کیوں نرمی کی گئی، میرے خدا! کیا ہمارے میڈیا کا یہ اسٹینڈرڈ ہوچکا ہے کہ lock down کے against میں debate کی جارہی ہے instead ان لوگوں کو National Harmony کا خیال رکھنا چاہیئے تھا جو کہ نہیں رکھا۔

کیا یہ وقت سیاست کرنے کا ہے؟

کیا ہمارے سیاستدانوں نے ہوش کے ناخن نہیں لیئے ہیں کہ اس موقع پر جب جان کے اوپر بات آئی ہوئی ہے وہاں آپ اپنی سیاست کر رہے ہیں، کیا شرم نہیں آتی ان لوگوں کو؟ مطلب پروگرام میں بات ہورہی ہے کہ تراویح ہونی چاہیئے یا اس کو optionally تصور کرنا چاہیئے وہاں وزیر اعظم کو point کرنا، یہ کس طرح کی سیاست ہے؟

کچھ زکر ہمارے "پیارے میڈیا" کا

ہمارا میڈیا اس بات پر بضد ہے کہ lock down کو مزید sustain کیا جانا تھا، یہ حکومت کیا کر رہی ہے! کیا اس میں media کو beneficiary نہیں لینا چاہیئے؟ بیشک کرونا ایک حقیقت ہے، مگر جس طرح سے ہمارا میڈیا اپنا رول پر عمل کر رہا ہے، میں صرف The Economist کا موجودہ کور کو quote کروں گا، کہ Everything's under control۔ 

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جمعہ, اپریل 24, 2020

Ten days distribution

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بدھ, اپریل 22, 2020

Active cases on the up

کل تک کے statistics کے حساب سے ایکٹو کیسز کو سیدھی لائن میں آجانا چاہیئے تھا، جوکہ ابھی بھی اوپر کی جانب چل رہا ہے، جبکہ اس statistics کے حساب سے recoveries کو لال لائن کی جگہ ہونی چاہیئے تھا جو کے نہیں ہے، جس کی وجہ سے یہ بھی کہا جاسکتا ہے کہ ایکٹو کیسز کا peak ابھی آنا باقی ہے

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منگل, اپریل 21, 2020

Breakdown of statistics

10 days Breakdown on Active Cases viz Death and Recoveries ratios in Pakistan
This is to confirm that the said data is taken from the Government of Pakistan COVID-19 official portal

10 days breakdown of cases where the Active Cases are showing a hike
where the fifth 10th day span has just started but still it is on the half way mark,
which is something should rise some eye brows.

یہ کسی کرکٹ گیم کا اسکورنک گراف نہیں ہے بلکہ پاکستان میں کنفرم کیسز کا نمبر شمار ہے

پاکستان میں اصل مسئلہ یہاں ہے کہ پیچھے سے نئے کیسز آنے کی رفتار میں کمی نہیں آرہی یے

ایک رسک ہے یہاں کیونکہ اگر دیکھا جائے تو اموات کا ریشو آہستہ آہستہ اوپر کی جانب جارہا ہے
جس کو مدنظر رکھنا ضروری ہے

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اتوار, اپریل 19, 2020

ہمارے میڈیا کی شر انگیزی

میں ذیادہ تر میڈیا کے مخالف رہا ہوں مگر یہاں میں اس نیوز میڈیا اینکر سے agreed ہوں، کیونکہ یہاں psychological mind programming ہورہی ہے، کہ ایک چیز بار بار اتنی دفعہ دکھائو کہ جھوٹ بھی سچ دکھنے لگے، اب مجھے یہ بتائیں، یہ خصلت کس کی ہے؟ شیطان مردود کی، اور اس وقت کون act کر رہا ہے؟ ہمارا میڈیا۔۔۔ کیونکہ مجھے خود محسوس ہوا، کیونکہ اگر اتنا سخت ہونا ہوتا تو اس وقت صرف کراچی میں اتنے patients دل کے عارضے میں مبتلا ہے، یہ کیسے ممکن ہے کہ صرف کراچی میں دل کے عارضے کے patients کی count گر گئی؟

میں خود۔۔۔

میں نے خود ٹی وی دیکھنا بند کر دیا ہے، یہ الگ بات ہے کہ بینکنگ میں ویسے بھی ٹائم نہیں ملتا مگر کوشش یہی کرتا ہوں کہ ٹی وی دیکھنے سے اجتناب کرتا ہوں۔ صرف بلوگنگ یا پھر Youtube پر پرانے کرکٹ کے میچز یا analysis دیکھ رہا ہوں، بلکہ میرے گھر میں دو ٹی وی ہیں، دونوں کے set top boxes پر چینلز کو limited کردیا ہے، باقی چینلز کی فریکیونسیز کو ہٹا دیا ہے، اور یقین مانیئے میں ذاتی طور پر بہت پر سکون ہوں، اکثر عشاٗ کی نماز مسجد جا کر ہی پڑھ رہا ہوں، مگر اس طرح ذہن پراگندہ نہیں ہوا، یہی حل ہے، کیونکہ میں نے اپنے ذہن کو مفلوج ہونے نہیں دیا ہے۔

میڈیا کا لگام وقت کی ضرورت ہے

مجھے اس سے کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا، کیونکہ میں unlike میڈیا at least کسی کو پراگندہ نہیں کرتا نہ وہ شر انگیزی اور دہشت گردی کر رہا ہوں جو ہمارا میڈیا کر رہا ہے، کیونکہ ۲۰۰۲ سے اب تک ہمارا میڈیا یہی کرتا رہا ہے، liberation کے نام پر ہماری society کو جو ناقابل فہم نقصان اس میڈیا نے دیا ہے، اس کے لیئے میڈیا کو اس چیز کے لیئے یقینا جوابدہ ہیں۔

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